The sugar craving con
Did you know Cadbury packaging is dark purple because studies have shown humans are drawn to this colour when we are feeling depressed? They are using colour psychology to kick you while you’re down and make you believe chocolate will make you feel better. Hmmm… not so sweet now is it?
How do I know this? I’ve been a graphic designer for over 17 years and I’ve witnessed companies use our emotions against us over and over again. For decades large companies having been tipping millions of dollars into studying things like the links between colours and emotions to manipulate consumer behaviour. This is just one example, I could go on for days about unneeded supplements and more. zzzz
Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to shake off the brain washing and tune into what is REALLY affecting your emotions and the way you feel both physiologically AND mentally. Take a minute to LISTEN to your mind and body and give them what they NEED to solve the problem NOT feed the artificial craving and add to the downward spiral.
If/when you are feeling low, here are a few things that can help :
NOT being hungry.
Hunger on top of negative emotions exacerbates them. So let’s eat protein & low GI carbohydrates to fuel your energy and mood to help you think clearly and act appropriately. It’s important not to try and satisfy hunger with something sweet as once the sugar high wears off, you will be feeling lower that before.
Human connection.
It’s clinically proven to lift your mood. Pick up the phone, talk to someone in your own home/workplace. Hug someone (preferably with their consent) We are pack animals. Its instinctively in us to take comfort in each other. Other humans help us not to feel alone.
Removing yourself from the environment that is causing the negative emotion.
If at work you may need a small break, take a walk, make a cup of tea. Think about how you can do this within your environment.
Simple but bloody effective. Count your inhale while touching each finger onto your thumb of one hand then count your exhale while touching each finger onto your thumb of the other hand. 4-5 mins of this can have a huge impact on your nervous system. focusing on the simple action of breathing can help break the intensity of negative feelings.
Get help if you feel like you aren’t on top of your mental wellbeing.
A lot of people come to me for weight loss and we identify its more than that and addressing the things that are troubling them emotionally can have a huge positive impact on their health journey and can remove the things that have been obstructing their success.
Nutrition & health coaching should be more than counting calories, diet recipes and the latest workouts. If this sounds like something you want to know more about, get in touch! I’s LOVE to help.