The art of change.

I could give you all the healthy eating & exercise advice i have, but if you aren’t ready for change you’re unlikely yo take any of it on board (just like all the advice on the internet).

We have to be READY to make a change.

The documented formula for us humans to change is:

  1. It has to be IMPORTANT to you.

  2. You have to be CONFIDENT you can achieve it.

Ask this questions to yourself about your health goals

  1. Out of 5, how IMPORTANT is it?

  2. Out of 5, how CONFIDENT are you to achieve it?

That’s where a nutrition coach like me can step in and help. We can help you pick a goal that’s important to you, you need it to be a 4-5/5 to be successful.

What is your goal?

You might have a goal to get a bikini body, great goal.

Your alarm goes off at 6am to exercise as that’s what you have chosen to help you reach your goal. The thoughts start coming in….”uh, it’s winter, summer is so far away. I’ll start tomorrow, or next week.” And then you think to yourself… “wanting a bikini body is a bit shallow of me isn’t it? In 2023 I should be happy & confident in the skin I’m in.”  That’s a bit sh*t of me to want such an external validation.

Then you start to lose motivation because you realise the goal you’re chasing  isn’t THAT important to you. It’s probably the wrong goal for you.

What if that goal was:

“I want to prioritise my health so that I can show my children how to look after yourself. How to prioritise your health, take time out to prioritise yourself, what healthy eating looks like & what it does for your body & mind.”

That’s probably a goal more intrinsically linked to the parent you want to be & the person you want to be. It taps at your core values and is much easier to build a goals around to move forward towards when things get a little bit tough.

Just like your confidence

If you’ve ever started a diet and said to yourself, “I don’t know whether this is going to work.” Well it’s not because you’ve already set yourself up for failure with your lack of confidence.

If you went for a job interview and right before you walked in you said to yourself “I’ll never get this job.” You’re not likely to give your best interview because you’ve already talked yourself out of it. 

I know it sounds a it airy fairy but it really is true. If you don’t have the confidence that you can achieve something, you’re already three steps back. 

That’s where a nutrition coach (like me) can help too. We are here to boost your confidence to keep you moving forward. Keep your true goals in sight, making sure the goals are relevant and important to you.

Plus we aren’t involved in your life like relying on your sister or friend for support. We aren’t going to give you dodgy diet advice from a “hack” we found on the internet or let competitiveness get in the way of your success.

If this article has resonated with you and you think this approach might help you to finally make sustainable change in your life get in touch. I’d LOVE to come on this journey with you. 


What does it mean to be truly “healthy?”


I don’t have time.