Unfortunately majority of women believe they should be thinner. That they would be happy and confident if they weighed less. Have you ever asked a person you consider “thin” how happy and confident they are? I guarantee they would have a complaint about their body too.
We are wired to criticise ourselves and it leaks into our life like a poison causing havoc on our self esteem, happiness and choices.
In my line of work (nutrition and pilates) I feel the pressure to be a role model of “thinness”. Like it’s part of my qualifications and it’s all anyone sees of me. It is heavy on me and most definitely unhealthy. I find sh*tty toxic thoughts creep in about not being “perfect” enough to be a health coach.
Well that stops now. I actually don’t want to promote “perfection” at all. I want to be a role model of strength, health and how to strike a great balance between indulgence & discipline, rest & activity, enjoyment & pushing through.
Yes. I could be thinner. I could be stronger. But I know with any extremes comes a sacrifice somewhere else, such as mental health, relationships, mood and missing out on some really enjoyable parts of life like ice cream and celebrations. I choose balance and happiness in all areas of my life.
These are KEY aspects of why I am a nutrition and movement coach and what I want to teach women. Including me, as I am definitely still learning too.
I want to help you achieve what i call “happy healthy”.
This is my mantra I tell myself and I’d like you to have it too: