Holidays vs health goals…who wins?
Holidays should NOT be ruined by health goals and equally, health goals should NOT be ruined by holidays. They aren’t opposites.
Here are my top holiday tips to keep enjoyment high but limit wagon falling:
1. Enjoy yourself!
Eat the parma, drinks cocktails and demolish the charcuterie board, you’ve bloody earned it!
2. Control what you can
It can be tricky to have control over the food you eat on holiday, you might be relying on eating out alot. The meals you CAN control, make them count. Make them nutritious and make them support you on your holiday, weather its for a better mood, better sleep or more energy for chasing the kiddos. These meals are fuelling your good times.
3. Seek out a supermarket
No matter where you are, there’s a supermarket nearby or on the way. Go there and but yourself some healthy snacks, fruit, yoghurt, nuts, good quality muesli bars. Take them in your bag, to the beach, to the lake or wherever you are so you avoid buying oversized, junky snacks that will make you feel like rubbish.
4. Move your body
Its nice to relax and unwind in the sun but a little movement can help you feel great and have more energy.
Go for a walk or a swim, run around with the kids on the beach. Or jump on my Pilates platform, there are some 20minute, low intensity sessions designed to fit around life. Great for your cardiovascular system, great for your mood, sleep and energy and great fir your body.
Drink 2-3 litres everyday. It will fight fatigue, its good for every organ and it will help you flush out the toxins we are all drinking a little too much of.
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