Before we start…So we can hit the ground running, please complete the info below (that you are comfortable sharing). Name * First Name Last Name Your age Your family Let me know who you care for Married / partner Child / children at home None of the above Your work commitments Which option(s) best describe your work committments Full-time work Part-time work Not currently working Full-time carer Shift worker Sitting at a desk On my feet None of the above What are your current health goal(s)? Weight loss Improved fitness More energy Better sleep Other... Please specify... Describe an average day of food Meals, snacks and drinks (including water) Describe you level of activity None, walking, workouts etc... Exisiting health conditions? Please list any current health conditions Your expectations What are you most looking to gain from nutrition coaching with H for Health? Thank you for completing the form. This gives me a small picture of your life and helps me to fit healthy living around your commitments. I’m looking forward to getting our coaching started!Cheers, H xx